
The Tyson Library staff set goals to read enough books to reach their own height if those books were stacked one on top of the other. Some of us met our goals, and we all enjoyed the challenge!

Trey met his goal in early October 2022.

Together we read more than 325 books. Most of the books we read were in traditional print format, but many were audiobooks or ebooks.

Donna met her goal in early November 2022.

Congrats to our staff who read to their heights!

  • Trey Bradshaw, Circulation
  • Donna McCombs, Cataloging & Children’s Programming
  • Aly Wright, Children & Teen Programming
  • Tali Crowe, Marketing & Adult Programming
Aly met her goal in December 2022.

“I’m excited about a new year for reading books and trying to beat my goal from last year,” said Aly Wright, Children & Teen Programming Coordinator.