We’re Reading to Our Heights in 2022 at Tyson Library

We’re Reading to Our Heights in 2022 at Tyson Library

The staff at Tyson Library has set some tall – or short, in some cases – reading goals for 2022.

Children’s Programming Coordinator Aly Wright brought the fun challenge to the group: each staff member has to read until their finished books stack up to be as tall as they are.

Aly was inspired by an elementary teacher she saw online, who measured each of her students and encouraged them to read to their height by the end of the school year. We’re giving ourselves until December 31, 2022 to reach our individual goals.

Children’s Programming Coordinator Aly Wright with her progress tracker for Tyson Library’s Reading to Our Heights Challenge.

Our team member with the tallest challenge is Trey Bradshaw, who works at our circulation desk. Margaret Ann Riley, another circulation clerk, has the shortest, though not by much.

Be sure to follow our progress throughout the year by checking the displays on the ends of the bookcases in the fiction, non-fiction, and large print sections! And, as always, feel free to ask us about what we’re reading and what we’d recommend.

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