Tales from Tyson Library!

Tales from Tyson Library!

We have an array of news to share with you!

First and foremost, we have a new staff member joining our team! Miss Aly is now our children’s program coordinator! She has been with us since early this summer getting the hang of things! She is pleased to be joining our team and has lots of new ideas for our children’s programs! We can’t wait to see what she has planned! With that being said, our registrations for the school year programs are now open! Please register your child(ren) by coming in to fill out a registration form. Miss Aly has a new program starting this fall called Tyson Travelers! This club is for grades 1-6. We will meet monthly to explore different cultures and time periods through games, foods, and crafts. If you’re interested in this club for your child(ren) please make sure to register your child(ren) as spaces will fill up quickly.We are pleased to announce we are continuing Science Club, Krafty Kids, and Storytime! We are looking into other programs in the future and we hope to announce our programs here on the website as soon as we can. 

Don’t worry, Miss Donna is still at the library! She is now the cataloger for the library and will be processing all movies, books, and CD’s that come into the library for your convenience! 

Make sure to stay up to date with all of our great new items that Miss Donna catalogs by registering for our “Wowbrary”.

What is Wowbrary?

Wowbrary is a nonprofit service that provides you free weekly emails and RSS feeds about your local library’s most recent acquisitions. We’ve found that users of Wowbrary emails are both awed and excited when they discover their local public library’s abundance of new books, DVDs, and CDs.

Register Here: https://www.wowbrary.org/signup.aspx

-Sarah Bush

Cataloger, Community Relations, and Adult Program Coordinator

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